Wednesday, December 27, 2006

why not this?

There is something called learners license which is given only at the age of 16 and a driving license which is given after u cross 18. This learning and driving license are catogorised on the basis of cubic capacity of the vehicle.
when a child wearing a school uniform is seen on a bike, say exceeding 100 cc, is it not explicit that the child is violating the laws? Children wearing uniforms are seen roaming on 100 cc bikes and scooteretes and sometimes even more than that. I dont understand why does traffic police not catch them , even after observing them riding bikes which they are legally not supposed to drive ..When they are not in uniform, that can be considered a different issue for now..
Even the school authority, on one side teaching them to abide by the rules and be a good citizen and blaa blaa... in subjects like social studies and moral science, they dont care when it comes to practicality. When they can see that the student is below sixteen and still he is using the school parking area to park his zoom.. dhoom.. bike next to a teacher's poor bajaj scooter, then why do they over see that and do not take any action or say even a word regarding the same. Can we assume that their mouths are stuffed with enough donation that words are choked there in and do not come out. Or all the ethics and morals they preach in class are just for preaching and not following?
Have we ever thought that the solutions to BIG BIG problems are always small and simple...we see and read that poverty and unemployment are cramping india by its feet..and there is some problem called global warming according to our geologists and environmentalists we are facing and will face big time in near future..the rising prices of fuel and there by inflation that our dearest finanace minister is worried of...only by making these children use bicycles and public buses as a mode to commute for their tutions, schools and leisure roaming, how much fuel we can save and how much pollution can be avoided?
i know quite a small effort but isnt it worth doing? These small efforts right from the consumer ie: we citizens, can help and alleviate the troubles we have.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

just a thought

It was a sunny day and i had been to bangalore with one of my friends..with the intention of window shopping,we were heading towards a mall.There a eunuch came and asked for some money in the fashion normally they do which is more of demanding than imploring..and my friend denied to give them some money..and they just held him. Being a girl i slightly panicked watching all this. But the situation was normal, and nothing serious. I asked him to give them some money..first he gave me a grunting expression then he gave them some money just because i asked him to. There he came to me and asked why i asked him to give them money, so i gave tongue to my view point and said that they being poor people and not having any job, lead a miserable life. This is the only source of earning for them. So why not give them some money and help a superstition was a factor that affected my thinking..These people are considered why to make them unhappy? Then he said they can also work. why not use their physical strength if not anything else..

That moment as usual dumb me, did not say anything but then after going back home, during my late night ambulation on terrace, i thought..even if few of them think of working, would our society accept them amongst us as equals..Would they be given same status and respect in our so called noble society of high people? I dont think so..shouldn't they be given their rights and considered as an equal in the society? Shouldn't they be given a chance to realize their dreams? Shouldn't they be given a chance to live their lives as equally responsible citizens of the country, who not only earns his living on his own with hard work but also uses his brain and contributes to the society by paying taxes and all.. Shouldn't government do something for this emasculated population of India? Should they not encourage them for all this..Shouldn't they be given reservations in schools and colleges?

i know the moment we hear of reservations, it reminds of the hue and cry we had some time back on the issue of OBC quota. but i think this is the community which deserves reservation not only in schools and colleges but also work places in actuality.