Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my mind asks...

Why is it so difficult to convince ourselves?
That what we desire is different form what we deserve;
Why does it taste bitter when things are not same as what we expect,
When will we learn to respect as to what we get?

Why is it so that everything we have is not permanent?
As we lose always the things, we preserve more than ornaments;
More easily love slips away, more u try to clutch,
How much space u should give to your beloved?

Is there any demarcating line between friendship and love?
In such trivial issues, then why does your relationship rubs?
Is there any means to get rid off this formality?
Or continue being biased in the name of sexuality..

Why are we not satisfied with all that we get?
And in this craving for more, we loose what we have.
Why don’t we understand that looking beyond wont always help?
After achieving one, to another we call next.

What is that we are so busy with, and always engaged?
That we don’t value the time we get to care for others.
And after it is gone, we turn back and repent,
And add it in our list of complains as 'no endearment'.

Why do we land up doing things, which are wrong?
Even when we have guidance, we consider it not.
Harsh are the consequences, which are bitter in the spot,
You try to run from them and in turn run from your ego.

Love is an ecstasy, which is difficult to get,
Or is it only in fantasy, very few have met.
When we have no answer to a question
Why does it happen that in our mind, only that lingers?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Heights of sacrifice

This post is going to be hindi...so for all those who understand hindi, give ur five minutes to it...

"Mom (wax) khud ko mita kar Shama (flare/flame) ko jeevan deti hai, par kya Shama kuch bhi karke mom ko waapas khada kar sakti hai? "

This poor wax is happy with its sacrifice and in return what does it get, nothing...
All poems and ballads on shama and its beauty, and with no care, we step on this mellowed wax...
Did it ever ask anything in return?
and the saddest part is that even if it asks, it will not get anything, all it has in its part is pain, sacrifice and felicity out of it...

something we can learn out of its nature.....

Saturday, February 3, 2007

To decode Einstein's Brain

It is so easy to win somebody’s trust, to capture somebody in your charms is not challenging.. But then to stand up to the expectations they have, to fulfill those commitments you made in that sprightliness and ebullience is knotty…
It is not the case that your commitments and all claims you made were fake nor that you are impotent..but the problem is that now you don’t feel like doing it..

Strange !!! I know...

Then what can be done with this immature, irresolvable, inscrutable also unfathomable mind? You have all powers, resources, oppourtunities to do that..You know that you have ability to bring in the Break-Through..you can change the prevailing customs and perceptions if you want..But still you don’t feel like doing it…Why??? What is stoping u, ur laziness? The initiative you need to take from your side, some efforts that you need to put in, bit of dedication and conviction...and you know that you are not scared of hard work, and difficulties, in fact you like taking up such tasks, but still something is holding you back, which you have not figured out yet….What is holding you back?

But honestly as to how much I have deciphered till date I would say, that human mind is the most untrustworthy matter on earth..It can change its attitude, its priorities, its perception any moment followed by no logical thinking..when you cant trust yourself, your guiding force then how do you expect loyalty from others? How can you trust others..When your own mind, heart, gut feeling as you say can betray you then how can you rely on others…How do you expect and claim to understand others ???

And then scientists are working on Einstein's Brain.. Can science decode everything? Can the folds in the lobes of the brain, the number of grey cells tell you how much he used to muse on things, how emotional he was? or how pragmatic he was? How romantic he was? When did he feel despirited, and when he was elated? Was that his grey matter that made him revolutionize the science, or it was his conviction or his habit - without getting fairly convincing answer he did not ditch the notion unlike others... Can science decode intelligence as well as emotional quotient both with their mechanization and advancement?