Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my mind asks...

Why is it so difficult to convince ourselves?
That what we desire is different form what we deserve;
Why does it taste bitter when things are not same as what we expect,
When will we learn to respect as to what we get?

Why is it so that everything we have is not permanent?
As we lose always the things, we preserve more than ornaments;
More easily love slips away, more u try to clutch,
How much space u should give to your beloved?

Is there any demarcating line between friendship and love?
In such trivial issues, then why does your relationship rubs?
Is there any means to get rid off this formality?
Or continue being biased in the name of sexuality..

Why are we not satisfied with all that we get?
And in this craving for more, we loose what we have.
Why don’t we understand that looking beyond wont always help?
After achieving one, to another we call next.

What is that we are so busy with, and always engaged?
That we don’t value the time we get to care for others.
And after it is gone, we turn back and repent,
And add it in our list of complains as 'no endearment'.

Why do we land up doing things, which are wrong?
Even when we have guidance, we consider it not.
Harsh are the consequences, which are bitter in the spot,
You try to run from them and in turn run from your ego.

Love is an ecstasy, which is difficult to get,
Or is it only in fantasy, very few have met.
When we have no answer to a question
Why does it happen that in our mind, only that lingers?


Mangal said...

Nicely written - The source is the destination!!!

The Psycho Blogger said...

err............... bcoz v r only human? :P

Notion Potion said...

yes, we always escape with the excuse that we are humans, but r we beyond correction? y do we think that we are the best pieces of God's creation? just because a plant cant talk, think (as we know, by our books) r they inferior than us and we get the right to do anything in the name of being humans...