Wednesday, March 14, 2007

And then we call ourselves HUMANS...

This is a crude essay or excreta of a reckoned thought, which was provoked out of a question asked by a friend on my forwarding him a mail on abortion rules, its seriousness and its violation.
After he asked my views on abortion i mulled over the subject and came up with it.
Who is aborted? A girl child or a boy child? Silly question actually, Coz Its always or 99% of the times a girl child, we can say that by asking one more question. Why do we at all go for abortion? When the child growing in the foetus of female body is not wanted anymore...and when is it not wanted anymore? 99% of the times when its a girl child, or when the pregnancy is without consent of both parents, will not touch this subject for now..

Why do people abort a girl child? Because they think that a girl will be a botheration on them in their future... Or dowry issues in some places, or god knows what.... But same people who want a boy child and say if they get one, will look for a girl for their boy to marry him,for they don't have the courage to keep their boy unmarried. Why do they want him to marry? So that their foliage is not hampered...Everyone wants a boy child and then they want a happy family like they have one and so want to make him marry a girl. But then how do we get girls in society whom these boys can marry..No one thinks of that..only that all of them want a boy child, with the beautiful thought that the boy child will give them all pursuits of this globe and all pleasures, will earn for them, will stay with them in their future, which girls cant in their perspectives...That is the stupid trend of this globe that when a girl marries a boy she has to go to his place and take care of his parents, and no one thinks of her parents...All that she can do is visit her parents once in a while...Has God made this custom, No.....we and our society have made this stupid custom... But each one of us is aware of this fact, that the trend has changed and in fact the boy child betrays his parents and isolate them in the future, coz he is not comfortable with his parents or privacy is an issue or whatever, but still we want boy child..This big and serious issue what people have been worrying about is the girl to boy ratio which is deteriorating day by day...And the result is- There are states like kerela where in girl to boy ratio is 1065:1000 but then rest of places have real pathetic parametric statistics of 793 in punjab, 820 in haryana, 845 in himachal pradesh and 865 in delhi so on.. And then we have a new problem of trafficking of women for marriages and emergence of polyandry. Its so strange that the life expectancy, the way it has been programmed by god is same for a boy and a girl but due to this human intervention, how badly it has been affected...Anyways will get back to the subject, i want to take up in this essay...
Abortion in itself is a hallowing boon contrived by some scientists which has turned out baneful due to human interventions.. Very few amongst us realise the seriousness of the consequences of those coupla gratifying moments... I am alive, we all are alive coz our parents dint kill us before our births.. It is about a life..How can a human be so cruel with another human..
whether its a girl child or a boy child, to kill a child is a crime. Just because it doesn't have any power to resist or take decision, we don't get right to snatch away the right of its life from it with some stupid argument. Government of India has implemented the ACTS for the same but still we have the sex ratios deteriorating day by day.. Today, reports of female foetuses found in drains, or dug from dry wells or floating in lakes or eaten by dogs are the headline news. How can we be so cruel with sth that is a part of us. This is a black spot on our being and calling ourselves HUMANS...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Its all about Egotism..

Oh! I have to make a project presentation... Have not completed the project then how do i make a presentation for it? That is one task then i have to close the report of Test conducted day before and submit it to the Boss.. Supplier is coming in the evening so i will have to stay back and have to follow up on that also... Vehicle is to be prepared and delivered to the next customer that is the next dept, else i will be fired by the Boss.... Evening after going back i have to pay the rent to the land lord, also electric bill... Yest there was no water in tank so have to take care of that also... ooo no drinking water at home, order for that also...Dunno why ABC.. is not talking with me properly, he was rude with me... XYZ.. dint reply to my msg... i have to meet PQR.. for lunch... Gotta make the presentation better than peers, else they will take over my promotion, and best presentation award....So many things on head at a time...difficult to manage this swelled head.

No time for others, and most wistful part is that no time for your self.. your brain always massed with your own problems and interests-problems out of vanity. once if u stop for a moment and clear your mind of this junk then You will notice that there is so much of pain in your surrounding, which never touched you and you were always oblivious of that or pretended to be so. And don’t be astonished to read that but there are so many things, which give positive stimulus as well, and yes that too in your surrounding. Its only that u need to take out some time and that attitude (as u have read it at many places) its all up to your attitude. But for that u need to come out of your EGOTISM.

I am writing this coz it happened to me.. it happened to me even when i think in those terms, i actually have to allot some space in my mind for this, else this junk takes over the entire space of my mind. And for some time, temporarily i become vulnerable to 'maya'..
Will have to check the reliability of my system by doing elephant testing-full proof testing... (hang over of reliability engineering training...)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my mind asks...

Why is it so difficult to convince ourselves?
That what we desire is different form what we deserve;
Why does it taste bitter when things are not same as what we expect,
When will we learn to respect as to what we get?

Why is it so that everything we have is not permanent?
As we lose always the things, we preserve more than ornaments;
More easily love slips away, more u try to clutch,
How much space u should give to your beloved?

Is there any demarcating line between friendship and love?
In such trivial issues, then why does your relationship rubs?
Is there any means to get rid off this formality?
Or continue being biased in the name of sexuality..

Why are we not satisfied with all that we get?
And in this craving for more, we loose what we have.
Why don’t we understand that looking beyond wont always help?
After achieving one, to another we call next.

What is that we are so busy with, and always engaged?
That we don’t value the time we get to care for others.
And after it is gone, we turn back and repent,
And add it in our list of complains as 'no endearment'.

Why do we land up doing things, which are wrong?
Even when we have guidance, we consider it not.
Harsh are the consequences, which are bitter in the spot,
You try to run from them and in turn run from your ego.

Love is an ecstasy, which is difficult to get,
Or is it only in fantasy, very few have met.
When we have no answer to a question
Why does it happen that in our mind, only that lingers?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Heights of sacrifice

This post is going to be for all those who understand hindi, give ur five minutes to it...

"Mom (wax) khud ko mita kar Shama (flare/flame) ko jeevan deti hai, par kya Shama kuch bhi karke mom ko waapas khada kar sakti hai? "

This poor wax is happy with its sacrifice and in return what does it get, nothing...
All poems and ballads on shama and its beauty, and with no care, we step on this mellowed wax...
Did it ever ask anything in return?
and the saddest part is that even if it asks, it will not get anything, all it has in its part is pain, sacrifice and felicity out of it...

something we can learn out of its nature.....

Saturday, February 3, 2007

To decode Einstein's Brain

It is so easy to win somebody’s trust, to capture somebody in your charms is not challenging.. But then to stand up to the expectations they have, to fulfill those commitments you made in that sprightliness and ebullience is knotty…
It is not the case that your commitments and all claims you made were fake nor that you are impotent..but the problem is that now you don’t feel like doing it..

Strange !!! I know...

Then what can be done with this immature, irresolvable, inscrutable also unfathomable mind? You have all powers, resources, oppourtunities to do that..You know that you have ability to bring in the can change the prevailing customs and perceptions if you want..But still you don’t feel like doing it…Why??? What is stoping u, ur laziness? The initiative you need to take from your side, some efforts that you need to put in, bit of dedication and conviction...and you know that you are not scared of hard work, and difficulties, in fact you like taking up such tasks, but still something is holding you back, which you have not figured out yet….What is holding you back?

But honestly as to how much I have deciphered till date I would say, that human mind is the most untrustworthy matter on earth..It can change its attitude, its priorities, its perception any moment followed by no logical thinking..when you cant trust yourself, your guiding force then how do you expect loyalty from others? How can you trust others..When your own mind, heart, gut feeling as you say can betray you then how can you rely on others…How do you expect and claim to understand others ???

And then scientists are working on Einstein's Brain.. Can science decode everything? Can the folds in the lobes of the brain, the number of grey cells tell you how much he used to muse on things, how emotional he was? or how pragmatic he was? How romantic he was? When did he feel despirited, and when he was elated? Was that his grey matter that made him revolutionize the science, or it was his conviction or his habit - without getting fairly convincing answer he did not ditch the notion unlike others... Can science decode intelligence as well as emotional quotient both with their mechanization and advancement?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What a strange phenomena?

When you have feelings for some body, and that person doesn't feel the same for you? Then what are you suppossed to do? When somebody is special for you, but you are not special for him or her, then should your feelings change or remain the same? If some envy feeling comes in your mind then is it natural or it is bad? That point of time your mind is satisfied by thinking all that it wants to sub-consciously..but later on when you get back to the rational mode, and think with open mind then should you hate yourself for having had that ugly thought or you should accept it, as it being a human limitation? Or you should actually strive to come over this openionative attitude of humans..
when you give sth, then i think it is very natural to expect sth in gave all your loyalty in the relationship, then expecting loyalty and same reponse in return is natural...
Is expectation the cause of this suffering? As always all my doubts and apprehensions land up with the problem of having expectations... Whenever u expect sth and your disappointed then you feel bad and then the phenomena i have described is likely to occur.. so i know the possible solution is to get over this expectation problem..but even after knowing the solution im not able to practice it..Isn't it strange?

Monday, January 8, 2007

what is bliss?

When u want something very desperately..You had been waiting for it since eons.. Its only u who knows how much effort u had put in to get that, how many sleepless nights u had spent craving for that, and when u slept how many times u had dreamt that...but when u reach near that, as in it is almost yours, just a few steps away, then it is of no importance to u at all...Its existence is just immaterial for u.. and u dont feel like possessing it at all. and this feeling stops you from taking those left out steps, coz you dont want that thing anymore...
May be the phase when u had been toiling for it, took away the charm of its being with u, or u have got control on ur desire and senses, so any such gain is small and immaterial for u now... Or that u have become numb and responseless to all things, as in dead in the process of waiting and dying for it that it is giving u no pleasure at all... What a weird phenomena is this? That thing which should have given u bliss as u say, doesnt even touch u then, its being or not being doesnt make any difference to you..then how do u experience bliss, What is that in this world which gives you the feeling of real happiness and bliss?

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Charity should begin with time...

Do we care for our family members, Our loved ones? Of course yes, we do.. Can we hurt them ever intentionally? Nop Never... Can we do anything for them, for their happiness? Yes anything..Is their smile precious to us? Yes it is, more than ANY silver spoon..
Indeed we are the best creation of god on earth coz we can feel, we can give colours to our imagination, we can make anything possible as per our wish.. we can hurt anyone, anytime..we can make anyone cry...ok let me not get into that. We can make someone smile.. Yes even birds and animals can do that... to make someone smile with a meaning is the biggest potency given to us, and remember this... we are never given any power without its having some specific eyes to see, nose to smell, heart to pump blood, brain to think, so is this ability to spread love..
Why dont we have generalisation in this case? Why dont we think that like our loved ones others also have heart, they can also feel, they also get hurt. They also want somebody who cares for them , who loves them. Why dont we ever think of bringing smile to somebody's face who is out of the circle of ur kith and kin..
No we actually do..oh we do charity once in a while..We give some clothes and alms and food to people in orphanage and beggars sitting outside the temple...
but do u think if that is enough?
Yes they are hungry for food, they want clothes and money to buy the goodies...
They dream of things which could be the most inferior thing on earth for us, which for our loved ones we might seldom buy, but for them that is the best possible thing on earth, they dream of..

But along with all that they want love. They want guardianship, attention, tenderness, most importantly our time...They want the touch of our hands, they want a feeling that they are also loved, they are also important. They also want a meaning for their existence.. Go to some orphange or blind people home i tell u its really depressing... i wish if once in a month we think about them also...
Your soul, my soul or anyone u take on this planet is hungry for love..With all cliched questions which often plague my mind about our existence and purpose, I have understood one thing, that no matter what else we are supposed to do here on earth, but one purpose with which we are sent is to spread love..and beleive me which is the most difficult of all tasks...It is very easy to hurt someone as i mentioned earlier, just a bitter remark would do, but to make someone smile is difficult..
Do we have that..Can we give some of our time to them. just some time, rest wil happen on its own...some time to give them real happiness.....

Monday, January 1, 2007

NEW YEAR Boom !!!

Hey what is this hallooinng all about???
since morning i have been watching all this..Every Tom, Dick and Harry walks to u, and shakes hand, in actuality judders your hand and wishes u HAPPY NEW YEAR !! ...
Okie its new year... but why are they screaming in its name, and if they are excited about this then how long is it going to continue??
Is this what New year is all about?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

why not this?

There is something called learners license which is given only at the age of 16 and a driving license which is given after u cross 18. This learning and driving license are catogorised on the basis of cubic capacity of the vehicle.
when a child wearing a school uniform is seen on a bike, say exceeding 100 cc, is it not explicit that the child is violating the laws? Children wearing uniforms are seen roaming on 100 cc bikes and scooteretes and sometimes even more than that. I dont understand why does traffic police not catch them , even after observing them riding bikes which they are legally not supposed to drive ..When they are not in uniform, that can be considered a different issue for now..
Even the school authority, on one side teaching them to abide by the rules and be a good citizen and blaa blaa... in subjects like social studies and moral science, they dont care when it comes to practicality. When they can see that the student is below sixteen and still he is using the school parking area to park his zoom.. dhoom.. bike next to a teacher's poor bajaj scooter, then why do they over see that and do not take any action or say even a word regarding the same. Can we assume that their mouths are stuffed with enough donation that words are choked there in and do not come out. Or all the ethics and morals they preach in class are just for preaching and not following?
Have we ever thought that the solutions to BIG BIG problems are always small and simple...we see and read that poverty and unemployment are cramping india by its feet..and there is some problem called global warming according to our geologists and environmentalists we are facing and will face big time in near future..the rising prices of fuel and there by inflation that our dearest finanace minister is worried of...only by making these children use bicycles and public buses as a mode to commute for their tutions, schools and leisure roaming, how much fuel we can save and how much pollution can be avoided?
i know quite a small effort but isnt it worth doing? These small efforts right from the consumer ie: we citizens, can help and alleviate the troubles we have.