Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Charity should begin with time...

Do we care for our family members, Our loved ones? Of course yes, we do.. Can we hurt them ever intentionally? Nop Never... Can we do anything for them, for their happiness? Yes anything..Is their smile precious to us? Yes it is, more than ANY silver spoon..
Indeed we are the best creation of god on earth coz we can feel, we can give colours to our imagination, we can make anything possible as per our wish.. we can hurt anyone, anytime..we can make anyone cry...ok let me not get into that. We can make someone smile.. Yes even birds and animals can do that... to make someone smile with a meaning is the biggest potency given to us, and remember this... we are never given any power without its having some specific eyes to see, nose to smell, heart to pump blood, brain to think, so is this ability to spread love..
Why dont we have generalisation in this case? Why dont we think that like our loved ones others also have heart, they can also feel, they also get hurt. They also want somebody who cares for them , who loves them. Why dont we ever think of bringing smile to somebody's face who is out of the circle of ur kith and kin..
No we actually do..oh we do charity once in a while..We give some clothes and alms and food to people in orphanage and beggars sitting outside the temple...
but do u think if that is enough?
Yes they are hungry for food, they want clothes and money to buy the goodies...
They dream of things which could be the most inferior thing on earth for us, which for our loved ones we might seldom buy, but for them that is the best possible thing on earth, they dream of..

But along with all that they want love. They want guardianship, attention, tenderness, most importantly our time...They want the touch of our hands, they want a feeling that they are also loved, they are also important. They also want a meaning for their existence.. Go to some orphange or blind people home i tell u its really depressing... i wish if once in a month we think about them also...
Your soul, my soul or anyone u take on this planet is hungry for love..With all cliched questions which often plague my mind about our existence and purpose, I have understood one thing, that no matter what else we are supposed to do here on earth, but one purpose with which we are sent is to spread love..and beleive me which is the most difficult of all tasks...It is very easy to hurt someone as i mentioned earlier, just a bitter remark would do, but to make someone smile is difficult..
Do we have that..Can we give some of our time to them. just some time, rest wil happen on its own...some time to give them real happiness.....

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