Monday, January 1, 2007

NEW YEAR Boom !!!

Hey what is this hallooinng all about???
since morning i have been watching all this..Every Tom, Dick and Harry walks to u, and shakes hand, in actuality judders your hand and wishes u HAPPY NEW YEAR !! ...
Okie its new year... but why are they screaming in its name, and if they are excited about this then how long is it going to continue??
Is this what New year is all about?

1 comment:

The Psycho Blogger said...

new year is simply abt th rolling ovr of digits on th clock, calendar, computer n whterv othr devices one uses 2 measure th passing of time (nt sure abt th clock thr coz hardly ne clocks display th yr but neways) so wht th hullabaloo is abt is ne1's guess :D