Monday, January 8, 2007

what is bliss?

When u want something very desperately..You had been waiting for it since eons.. Its only u who knows how much effort u had put in to get that, how many sleepless nights u had spent craving for that, and when u slept how many times u had dreamt that...but when u reach near that, as in it is almost yours, just a few steps away, then it is of no importance to u at all...Its existence is just immaterial for u.. and u dont feel like possessing it at all. and this feeling stops you from taking those left out steps, coz you dont want that thing anymore...
May be the phase when u had been toiling for it, took away the charm of its being with u, or u have got control on ur desire and senses, so any such gain is small and immaterial for u now... Or that u have become numb and responseless to all things, as in dead in the process of waiting and dying for it that it is giving u no pleasure at all... What a weird phenomena is this? That thing which should have given u bliss as u say, doesnt even touch u then, its being or not being doesnt make any difference to you..then how do u experience bliss, What is that in this world which gives you the feeling of real happiness and bliss?

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