Friday, March 9, 2007

Its all about Egotism..

Oh! I have to make a project presentation... Have not completed the project then how do i make a presentation for it? That is one task then i have to close the report of Test conducted day before and submit it to the Boss.. Supplier is coming in the evening so i will have to stay back and have to follow up on that also... Vehicle is to be prepared and delivered to the next customer that is the next dept, else i will be fired by the Boss.... Evening after going back i have to pay the rent to the land lord, also electric bill... Yest there was no water in tank so have to take care of that also... ooo no drinking water at home, order for that also...Dunno why ABC.. is not talking with me properly, he was rude with me... XYZ.. dint reply to my msg... i have to meet PQR.. for lunch... Gotta make the presentation better than peers, else they will take over my promotion, and best presentation award....So many things on head at a time...difficult to manage this swelled head.

No time for others, and most wistful part is that no time for your self.. your brain always massed with your own problems and interests-problems out of vanity. once if u stop for a moment and clear your mind of this junk then You will notice that there is so much of pain in your surrounding, which never touched you and you were always oblivious of that or pretended to be so. And don’t be astonished to read that but there are so many things, which give positive stimulus as well, and yes that too in your surrounding. Its only that u need to take out some time and that attitude (as u have read it at many places) its all up to your attitude. But for that u need to come out of your EGOTISM.

I am writing this coz it happened to me.. it happened to me even when i think in those terms, i actually have to allot some space in my mind for this, else this junk takes over the entire space of my mind. And for some time, temporarily i become vulnerable to 'maya'..
Will have to check the reliability of my system by doing elephant testing-full proof testing... (hang over of reliability engineering training...)

1 comment:

The Psycho Blogger said...

well im nt sure wht elephant testing is but im of th opinion tht u left out load testing and monkey testing :D